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The loyalty programme that helps you unlock exclusive rewards, offers and more.
As we launch our new loyalty programme, we’re excited to welcome you to a fresh start! To ensure you get the most out of this revamped experience, all online customer accounts have been reset to 0 points. This allows you to fully embrace our loyalty scheme’s new rewards and exclusive benefits.
To honour your previous points, we’ve converted them into a one-time coupon code equivalent to their value. Please note, that your coupon can be redeemed only once and will expire on 31st January 2025, so be sure to make the most of it! To find your coupon, simply login to your account.
Unlock exclusive benefits and get rewarded every time you shop! Join our loyalty programme and start earning 1% back on every full-priced purchase. The more you shop, the more valuable your points become (max 3%). From exciting discounts to exclusive offers, our rewards programme is designed to celebrate your loyalty and maximise your shopping experience.
Sign up today and start earning rewards! Create your account to become part of our loyalty family and begin earning points on all your purchases.
Earn 1 point for every £1 spent on full-priced items. The more you shop, the more points you accumulate, bringing you closer to amazing rewards.
Use your points for big savings! Redeem for exclusive discounts, with rewards like £10, £20, £50, and more. The higher your level, the more valuable your rewards.
Earn points on the orders you place.
£1 = 1 Point
Earn a reward code when reaching a new level.
10% OFF
Follow us on Instagram.
20 Points
Rewards for each successful referral.
Give 20%, Get 20%
Loyalty is rewarded each month.
Surprise Rewards
Watch out for double point events.
£1 = 2 Points
Minimum spend £50. Coupon expires after 14 days.
£3 Credit
Minimum spend £100. Coupon expires after 14 days.
£5 Credit
Minimum spend £150. Coupon expires after 14 days.
Minimum spend £175. Coupon expires after 14 days.
£10 Credit
Minimum spend £200. Coupon expires after 14 days.
£20 Credit
£7 Credit
£12.50 Credit
Minimum spend £225. Coupon expires after 14 days
£25 Credit
Minimum spend £350. Coupon expires after 14 days.
£50 Credit
£8 Credit
£15 Credit
Minimum spend £300. Coupon expires after 14 days.
£30 Credit
Minimum spend £500. Coupon expires after 14 days.
£60 Credit
Credits are user-generated in the form of coupon codes and redeemable at your bag or checkout. Once generated, coupons expire after 14 days.
When are my points added to my account?
Points are added to your account 14 days after your order, once the return period has expired. If you return an order within the 14-day return window, the pending points will be removed from your balance. For partial returns, points will be adjusted based on the items returned.
Please note, that if a coupon code with a minimum order value was used, the minimum spend must still be met after any deductions from returns. If the adjusted order value falls below the required minimum spend, the voucher will no longer be valid and adjustments will be made. We may contact you in this instance.
How do I join the loyalty programme?
Simply create an account on our website, and you’ll be automatically enrolled in our loyalty programme. From there, you can start earning points on all full-priced purchases.
How do I earn points?
You earn 1 point for every £1 spent on full-priced items. The more you shop, the more points you accumulate! Please note that points are not earned on sale items.
How do I redeem my points?
Once you’ve accumulated enough points, you can redeem them for coupon codes at checkout. Each coupon code requires a minimum number of points and has a minimum spend threshold.
What can I use my coupon codes on?
You can use your coupon codes on any full-priced item. Please note that vouchers cannot be used on sale items or combined with other promotional offers, and each voucher has a minimum spend requirement.
Do my points expire?
No, your points currently do not expire. However, any redeemed rewards will expire after 14 days.
Can I combine multiple rewards on a single purchase?
Unfortunately, you can only use one coupon code per purchase. Each voucher also has a minimum spend requirement, so make sure your order qualifies for the coupon code you want to use.
How do I move up through the loyalty levels?
You move up through the levels by accumulating points. The more you spend, the more points you earn. For example, you need 700 points to reach Level 2 and 5,500 points to reach Level 4, where points are worth the most. Levels are determined based on your lifetime points, you will not move down a level if you spend your points.
What happens if I return an item I used points on?
If you return an item, the points earned from that purchase will be adjusted accordingly:
If you used a coupon code on the order, the following applies:
Can I earn points on every purchase?
You earn points on all full-priced purchases. However, points are not earned on sale items. Keep an eye out for special promotions where you can earn bonus points on specific categories or during certain periods!
How do I check my points balance?
You can check your points balance by logging into your account on our website. Your account area will show you how many points you’ve earned, your current level, and how many points you have to redeem.
What happens if I forget to use my coupon code?
Expired coupon codes will be removed from your account and can no longer be used. A reminder email will be sent to you after 7 days if the coupon has not already been redeemed at checkout. Coupon codes expire 14 days after the coupon has been generated by you within your account area.
Do I earn points when I purchase a gift card?
No, points are not earned on the purchase of gift cards. However, if you or the recipient use a gift card to make a purchase, you will earn points on the value of the items purchased with the gift card.
Where can I find the full terms and conditions of the loyalty programme?
1. Introduction
By participating in our loyalty programme, you agree to the following terms and conditions. These terms govern the earning and redemption of points, the operation of the loyalty programme, and other important details. The loyalty programme is subject to modification, suspension, or termination at any time, without notice, at our sole discretion.
2. Eligibility
The loyalty programme is open to all customers who create an account on our website. By registering, you automatically become part of the loyalty programme and can start earning points on eligible purchases.
3. Earning Points
4. Redeeming Points
5. Loyalty Levels
The loyalty programme consists of multiple levels, and progression through these levels is based on points earned from eligible purchases. Higher levels offer increased redemption values for points. The points required for each level are as follows:
6. Returns and Points Adjustments
If you return any items, any pending points earned from the purchase will be cancelled. For partial returns, the number of points adjusted will be proportional to the value of the returned items and your loyalty level at the time of ordering. Any coupon codes or vouchers used on returned orders will also be adjusted or voided if the remaining order value no longer meets the minimum requirements. We may decide to reinstate coupon codes at our discretion.
7. Modifications and Termination
We reserve the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the loyalty programme at any time, without notice. This includes changes to the point-earning structure, loyalty levels, redemption rates, and voucher values. Any points earned before the modification or termination of the programme will remain in your account unless otherwise specified.
9. Fraud and Abuse
Any fraudulent activity or abuse of the loyalty programme, including but not limited to manipulating points or returns, will result in the forfeiture of points and may result in the termination of your account.
10. General
For any inquiries or issues related to the loyalty program, please contact our customer service team.
Any other questions? Send us a message.
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